Dr. Graeme's Publications
Full Length, Peer Reviewed, Original Articles
Komm BS, Terpening CM, Benz DJ, Graeme KA, Gallegos A, Korc M, Greene GL, O'Malley BW, Haussler MR: Estrogen binding, receptor mRNA, and biological response in osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cells. Science 1988; 241:81-84.
Bamford CR, Graeme KA, Guthkelch N: Somatosensory evoked potentials from distal, middle and proximal lower limb stimulation. Electromyography & Clinical Neurophysiology 1992; 32(4-5):247-254.
Bamford CR, Graeme KA, Guthkelch N, et al.: Posterior tibial somatosensory evoked potentials from distal, middle and proximal lower limb stimulation: a comparative study. Electromyography & Clinical Neurophysiology 1993; 33(2):79-89.
Bamford CR and Graeme KA: Percutaneous sciatic somatosensory evoked potential: a comparison to the transcutaneous response. Electromyography & Clinical Neurophysiology 1994; 34(8):491-494.
Bamford CR and Graeme KA: Percutaneous S1 root somatosensory evoked potential. Electromyography & Clinical Neurophysiology 1995; 35(3):181-186.
Bamford CR, Graeme KA, Guthkelch AN, Dzioba R: Posterior tibial somatosensory evoked potentials a comparative study of responses elicited by transcutaneous and percutaneous stimulation at the popliteal fossa. Electromyography & Clinical Neurophysiology 1995; 35(8):463-469.
Graeme KA and Pollack CV: Antibiotics use in the emergency department. II. aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracyclines, sulfa drugs and urinary antiseptics (review). Journal of Emergency Medicine 1996; 14(3):361-371.
Graeme KA and Pollack CV: Heavy metal review, part I: arsenic and mercury. Journal of Emergency Medicine 1998; 16(1):45-56.
Graeme KA and Pollack CV: Heavy metal review, part II: lead and metal fume fever. Journal of Emergency Medicine 1998; 16(2):171-7.
Graeme KA, Curry SC, Bikin DS, et al: The lack of transplacental movement of the cyanide antidote, thiosulfate, in gravid ewes. Anesthesia & Analgesia 1999; 89(6):1448-52.
Tanen DA, Ruha AM, Curry SC, Graeme KA, Reagan CG: Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate is effective in the acute management of verapamil toxicity in a swine model. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2000; 36(6):547-53.
Tanen DA, Graeme KA, Curry SC: Crack cocaine ingestion with prolonged toxicity requiring electrical pacing. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 2000; 38(6):653-7.
Tanen DA, Ruha AM, Graeme KA, Curry SC: Epidemiology and hospital course of rattlesnake envenomations in central Arizona Acad Emerg Med 2001; 8(2):177-182.
Tanen DA, Ruha AM, Graeme KA, et al: Rattlesnake envenomations: unusual case presentations Arch Intern Med 2001; 161:474-479.
LoVecchio F, Curry SC, Graeme KA, et al: Intravenous pyridoxine-induced metabolic acidosis. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2001; 38:62-64.
Ruha AM, Tanen DA, Graeme KA, et al: Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate for Taxus-media-induced cardiac toxicity in swine. Acad Emerg Med 2002; 9:179-185.
Ruha MA, Curry SC, Beuhler M, Katz K, Brooks DE, Graeme KA, Wallace K, Gerkin R, LoVecchio F, Wax P, Selden B: Initial postmarketing experience with crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab for treatment of rattlesnake envenomation. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2002; 39(6):609-15.
Brooks DE, Graeme KA, Ruha AM, Tanen DA: Respiratory compromise in patients with rattlesnake envenomation. Journal of Emergency Medicine 2002; 23(4):329 -32.
Suchard JR, Graeme KA: Pediatric clonidine poisoning as a result of pharmacy compounding error. Pediatric Emergency Care 2002; 18(4): 295-6.
Ruha AM, Graeme KA, Field A: Late seizure following ingestion of Vicks Vaporub. Acad Emerg Med 2003; 10:691.
Brooks DE, Graeme KA: Airway compromise after first rattlesnake envenomation. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 2004; 15(3): 188-93.
Gill M, Graeme K, Guenterberg K: Masseter spasm after succinylcholine administration. Journal of Emergency Medicine 2005; 29(2):167-71.
LoVecchio F, Cannon RD, Algier J, Ruha AM, Curry SC, Wallace KL, Graeme KA: Bee swarming in children. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2007; 25(8):931-3.
Levine M, Ruha AM, Graeme KA, et al: Adult Toxicology in Critical Care: Part III: Natural Toxins. Chest, submitted 2011, in press.
Book Chapters
Curry SC, Mills KC, Graeme KA: Neurotransmitter Principles. In Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies; 6th ed. Stamford, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange, 1998, pp. 137-171.
Graeme KA, Curry SC, Shannon M. Heavy Metals. In Aghababian's Emergency Medicine: The Core Curriculum, 1st ed. Philadelphia , PA: Lippincott-Raven, 1998, pp. 1113-1122.
Graeme KA: Hallucinogens. In Rosen's 5-minute Emergency Medicine Clinical Consult, 1st ed., Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
Graeme KA, Sullivan JB: Solvents and Chemical Intermediates. In Sullivan's Clinical Principles of Environmental Health and Toxic Exposures; 2nd ed., Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pp.1166-1177.
Graeme KA, Braitberg G, Kunkel DB, Adler M: Toxic Plant Ingestions. In Auerbach's Wilderness Medicine, 4th ed., St. Louis Missouri, Mosby, 2001, pp. 1108-1140.
Curry SC, Mills KC, Graeme KA: Neurotransmitter Principles. In Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies; 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002, pp.133-165.
Graeme KA: Hallucinogens. In Rosen's 5-minute Emergency Medicine Clinical Consult, 2nd ed., Lippincott, Williams and Wilkens, 2003.
Graeme KA: Baclofen. In Brent's Critical Care Toxicology, 1st ed, Mosby, 2005.
Graeme KA, Morkunas A: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents. In Brent's Critical Care Toxicology, 1st ed, Mosby, 2005.
Beuhler M, Graeme KA: Overview of Mushroom Poisoning. In Brent's Critical Care Toxicology, 1st ed, Mosby, 2005.
Brooks D, Graeme KA: Gyromitra Mushroom Poisoning. In Brent's Critical Care Toxicology, 1st ed, Mosby, 2005.
Graeme KA: Toxic Plant Ingestions. In Auerbach's Wilderness Medicine, 5th ed., Mosby, 2007
Graeme, KA: Toxic Plant Ingestions. In Auerbach's Wilderness Medicine, 6th ed., Elsevier, submitted 2010, in press.
Non-Peer Reviewed Published Articles
Graeme KA and Jackimczyk KC: Pearls, Pitfalls and Updates: the extremities and spine. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America 1997; 15(2):365-379.
Graeme KA and Kunkel DB: Psychoactive plants and mushrooms. Topics in Emergency Medicine 1997; 19(4):64-72.
Graeme KA: Advances in pharmacology in the emergency department: new drugs of abuse. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America 2000; 18(4):625-636.
Graeme KA: Toxicology Mystery Case: Common Oleander Ingestion. Annals of Navy Emergency Medicine 2010; January:31-37.
Abstracts and Letters
Curry SC, Carlton MW, Graeme KA, Raschke RA, Holland DL, Farmer LM: Prevention of fetal and maternal cyanide toxicity from nitroprusside by co-infusion of sodium thiosulfate in gravid ewes. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1996; 34(5):607.
Graeme KA, Curry SC, Kreig K, Connor D: Phenylpropanolamine induced status epilepticus without intracranial hemorrhage. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1997; 35(5):501.
Graeme KA, Curry SC, Kunkel DB, Selden B: Anaphylaxis after Crotalus atrox envenomation. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1997; 35(5):494.
Morkunas A, Graeme KA: Zafirlukast-warfarin drug interaction with gastrointestinal bleeding. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1997; 35(5):530.
Wallace K, Curry SC, Graeme KA: Effectiveness of flumazenil in the reversal of baclofen-induced CNS depression in rats. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1997; 35(5):548.
Graeme KA, Curry SC, Bikin DS, et al.: Transplacental movement of thiosulfate in gravid ewes. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1998; 36(5):524.
Graeme KA, Wallace KL, Curry SC, et al.: Hydrogen sulfide-induced changes in coin appearance. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1998; 36(5):469.
Graeme KA, LoVecchio FA, Selden BS, et al.: Cardiotoxicity from ingestion of unprocessed Nerium oleander leaves treated with Fab fragments. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1998; 36(5):457
LoVecchio F, Graeme KA, Gerkin R, et al.: Bee swarmings in children. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1998; 36(5):460.
LoVecchio F, Curry SC, Wallace KL, Graeme KA, Suchard JR: Pyridoxine hydrochloride infusion effect on acid-base status. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1998; 36(5):428.
Wallace KL, Graeme KA, Morkunas A, Curry SC. Zolpidem binds to omega, not mu, receptors [letter]. Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1998; 36:143-144.
Suchard J, Wallace K, Graeme K, et al: Cutaneous nodular reaction to oral mercury [letter]. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1998; 38:784-5.
Tanen D, Graeme K, Raschke R: Severe lung injury after exposure to chloramine gas from household cleaners [letter]. New England Journal of Medicine 1999; 341(11):848-9.
Graeme K, Higgins T, Curry S, Kunkel D: Markedly elevated valproate levels do not serve as an indication for hemodialysis or hemoperfusion. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1999; 37(5):636.
Graeme K, Curry S, Kunkel D: Delayed cardiotoxicity after haloperidol and paroxetine overdose. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1999; 37(5):634.
Tanen D, Graeme K, Raschke R, Severance J: Chloramine gas exposure from household cleaners requiring tracheostomy and ventilatory support. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 1999; 37(5):658.
Graeme KA: DMSO does not prevent alpha-amanitin induced hepatic injury in mice. [abstract] Academic Emergency Medicine 2000; 7(5):440-441.
Tanen DA, Ruha AM, Curry S, Graeme KA, Reagan C: Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate is effective in the acute management of verapamil toxicity in a swine model. [abstract] Academic Emergency Medicine 2000; 7(5):440.
Graeme KA, Giancola J, Curry SC: Visual changes after acute iatrogenic ivermectin poisoning. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 2000; 39(5):515.
Tanen DA, Ruha AM, Graeme KA: Retrospective review of 5 years experience with Crotalidae envenomation in Arizona. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 2000; 39(5):508.
Tanen DA, Ruha AM, Graeme KA: Comparison of hematologic abnormalities in Crotalidae envenomations of the upper and lower extremities in-patients not receiving antivenin. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 2000; 39(5):508-509.
Ruha AM, Tanen DA, Graeme KA, Curry SC, Beuhler M: Conversion of direct Coombs antibody screen after administration of Crotalidae antivenin (Wyeth). [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 2000; 38(5):503.
Brooks DE, Graeme KA, Katz K: Life threatening anaphylaxis after first time Crotalidae envenomation. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 2001; 39(5):558.
Beuhler MC, Graeme KA, Katz K: Centruroides sting complicated by anaphylaxis to antivenom in an asthmatic adult. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 2001; 39(5):562.
Ruha AM, Tanen DA, Graeme KA, Curry SC, Miller MB, Gerkin R, Reagan CG, Brandon T: Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate for Taxus media-induced cardiac toxicity in swine. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 2001; 39(5):545.
Brooks DE, Ruha AM, Graeme KA, Tanen DA, Curry SC: Respiratory compromise in patients with rattlesnake envenomation. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 2001; 39(5):560.
Ruha AM, Beuhler M, Brooks D, Wallace K, Graeme KA, Curry SC, Gerkin R, LoVecchio F: CroFab for the treatment of rattlesnake envenomation. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 2001; 39(5):546.
Ruha AM, Graeme KA, Field A, Klemens J: Late seizures following ingestion of Vicks Vaporub. [abstract] Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 2002; 40(5):607.
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