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Banner — University Medical Center Phoenix  
Poison Control Center

Banner Health, Arizona
Printable Fact Sheet

Click here to go to the Banner Poison and Drug Information Center Home Page

Poison CenterThe Banner Poison and Drug Information Center is an American Association of Poison Control Centers certified regional poison center serving the citizens of Arizona in Maricopa County.  Maricopa County is located in central Arizona and is home to 60 percent of the state's 5.4 million residents. The Banner Poison and Drug Information Center provides a free, 24-hour emergency telephone service for both residents and medical professionals of Maricopa County. The hotline has an annual call volume greater than 100,000 and is staffed by nurses or pharmacists highly trained in the recognition and assessment of poisonings, first aid treatment, and drug information. Currently, there are 18 Specialists in Poison Information and 4 Poison Information Providers on staff.

Poison CenterThe Banner Poison and Drug Information Center was established in 1979 and has continuously served the citizens of Maricopa County and surrounding counties for 25 years.  It is supported by Banner Health, the state of Arizona, the United Way, the Human Resource Service Administration, and charitable donations. The poison center serves the entire state of Arizona, providing rapid access to poison information, first aid, and treatment recommendations.

Poison Center Panoramic

Poison Center SpecialistPoison Center Specialist

Poison Center SpecialistPoison Center Specialist