The Medical Toxicology service can accept up to two medical student and five resident/fellow rotators per month for a one-month rotation (one week vacation is allowed assuming call requirements are met).
Rotations are based at Banner - University Medical Center Phoenix but patients are also seen at Phoenix Children's Hospital.
Rotators must be able to attend a minimum of three Friday morning Toxicology Conferences. The rotation is not available in December.
If you are scheduled for an upcoming rotation, you will be sent login information to access rotation materials here.
The rotator will:
Rotators will be expected to preround on their patients and complete notes prior to team rounds.
One week of vacation is allowed. The rotators will not provide medical back-up for the Poison Center.
Rotators will spend at least 6 hours during the month monitoring calls at the Banner Poison and Drug Information Center.
In addition to the above clinical responsibilities, the rotation also includes a variety of lectures, chapter reviews, and other conferences. Some highlights are outlined below.
Lectures will be presented on several fundamental topics in toxicology. Each rotator will receive a reading packet with pertinent literature and is expected to read prior to each lecture. The topics covered will include:
Each rotator will present a 10 minute outline on two topics related to toxicology.
The Banner Poison and Drug Information Center provides services for residents of Maricopa County. A weekly conference of poison center cases provides an opportunity to discuss exposures that would not typically be seen by a healthcare provider because they are routinely handled by the poison center staff.
Medical students interested in an away rotation with us will apply through the Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS). Resident physicians from other institutions will require a Program Letter of Agreement (PLA) to be completed. If you are interested in rotating on our service, please contact Teri Glidewell at 602-839-2511 or via email at [email protected] for more information.
Our address is:
BUMCP Department of Medical Toxicology
1012 E. Willetta St, Fl 2
Phoenix, AZ 85006